Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sovereign Grace Means Calvinism


I am starting a new blog here. In this blog I am writing about my study into what Calvinism means. As the title indicates, I am especially wanting to people know that the name "Sovereign Grace" means Calvinism/Reformed doctrine.

That said it is good that one knows that there is dark side of Calvinism that many times groups that promote Calvinism don't state. I am working on some thoughts and will make some posts shortly.


jul said...

hi Steve, I followed the link here from your comment on my blog, I guess I didn't answer your last comment, it was on an older post...

Very interested to see what you'll be writing on here!

Steve said...

Thanks Julie.

I set up this up a little while ago. Hopefully I will find some time to get my thoughts together and start making some more posts.

Anonymous said...

Steve, wow..I'm going through the same thing as you (I think) questioning reformed theology. I've been looking at the fruit of the doctrines of grace in a new light since leaving my SGM church almost three months ago. I look forward to reading on your blog what your thoughts are, and like that you've set it up like an online journal too. My blog is for the same thing - just to sort thru thoughts, but I'm not posting anything doctrinal right now even though I am asking the same questions you are. So your blog is answered prayer because I do want to explore these teachings too, but didn't want to focus on this as part of my "exodus" journal. Thanks brother...look forward to reading your thoughts...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those links to other blogs by C.J. Mahaney. I look forward to checking them out.

On another note, I'm excited how this blog develops. Here's a great article I read on Hyper-Calvinism, probably one of the most concise but thorough articles I've check out on the topic. If you haven't already read it, it might help you as you think through posting on this topic.

Matt Heltzel said...

Interesting. I am of the utmost anticipating this dark side. Although I do find it interesting that the Reformed Theologians of our day are striving more than any other group to bring the Gospel back to what it used to be.

Any hints or insights as to what this dark side is?